Memorial Service for Priest Chōgen & unveil of treasured Buddhist images on July 5th

In order to commemorate the great accomplishments of Priest Shunjōbō Chōgen a memorial service is held at 8:00 on July 5th at Shunjō-dō. He passed away in 1206 at the age of 86.

After Buddhist service from 11:00-16:00, at Shunjō-dō the following treasured Buddhist images will be unveiled.
〇Seated Portrait of Priest Chogen (N.T.)
〇Standing Amida (I.C.P.)
〇Seated Aizen Myō-ō (I.C.P.)

※ N.T.(National Treasure), I.C.P.(Important Cultural Property)

Amida is decorated with a superb technique in which patterns are formed with gold as fine as a hair. Please have a look this masterpiece!

<Admission fee> Adult:800yen Child(6-12years old):400yen